Project 1.3
~ Will Bhuvarin Thaveetermsakul ~
Aj. Thomas Lozada
This phase is about how will these chosen brands develop or progress in the future, so we are designing
space, building or partition which best describe that future.
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These are material development plate which is a little bit different from phase two, in order to make it more
relevant to this phase. The Plastimake will be use as the interior design material which will give most of
the experience in this project and use as floor, wall, or ceiling. While, Timtfilm as a sub material but also
have an important role as use to control the vision of the overall project.
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The brand chosen are Nintendo and Osmo, both are games related companies. Nintendo are more focusing on
Challenging new ways of fun, enjoyment and entertainment while Osmo are more focusing on technology which
cooperate the two different way of how to enjoy the game which also focusing on education.
In this phase, the brand will merge into one, where Osmo provide help to Nintendo to success in this huge project
they haven't done before. The idea is to create a fantasy world in real life but still refers to what it was before. so,
the way we present this is through those old RPG games which were played on Nintendo console but in a larger scale.
The diagrams here presenting the design of a building which represent many ideas all together.
Let's start of with the site, The site chosen is right across the road nest to the Nintendo HQ in Kyoto, Japan. Why? because
this way it will present the future in a more comparable way. This site also benefits in a way that it is located on the conjunction
which gives the visitor many direction of view toward the buildings and best of them all is on the shaded green area which
provide the best view towards both buildings.
Next is the Design of the building itself, The form emerged from a simple rectangular shape with a twist to fill the site as referred
to all Nintendo HQs in several countries such as in Kyoto, Tokyo, America and Germany with all simple shape of rectangular prism.
The building is separated into 2 major parts.
One is the game part and two is the seating part, as a whole it is a huge theater where the game part is the stage and the conjugated
path is the seating. The game part is designed under the idea of being a Maze and a Dungeon, as we know maze is where people enter
and desperate to find way out as well as the dungeon, but dungeon will give more sense of exploring and finding things hidden inside.
The Maze Dungeon is design to have four different floors where each floor contains different material property, height level and the density
as the player getting higher the level of hardness is also increasing.
As shown in the plan, LVL 1 is the easiest level with largest space around the player also the highest height of 4m.
LVL 2 is the floor where it contains the cracking wall property with the height of 3m.
LVL 3 with the same height as LVL2 but the change in geometry,
the property provided here are the curvy geometry in floor, walls, and even the ceiling.
The final LVL with the shortest height at about 2m with the weirdest geometry created the most confusing space
also hardest to walk around, which force the player to crouch or sliding them self around.
As you might notice, there are penetrations on these floors, they are created using the sun path in related to the building location.
which give the interaction between floor level and also clearing the concern about light inside the space.
Now, looking at the elevation, it shows the design of facade and envelope of the building. The idea is to give just a little information of what
is happening inside. by using the Tint film on these glass wall which created the effect of one way mirror which result
as people on the outside can see whats going on inside while the player inside won't be interrupt on the activity that is going on.
which also through the design it giving this look kind of alike an ant farm.
The second part, the Conjugated path, "the seating", It is multiple ramps joining together and bend slightly towards the Game part, "the stage".
Why ramp? its because the user will slightly gain the height along the ramp as it goes up which perfect for the visitor to adjust them self for
the best view they want. not just that, the design is also to represent the playground so by using geometry and rope net it force user to climb up
to the next level.
Also this part contains several more things such as the Entrance, Lobby, Changing room and Toilet which located
on the Ground floor. Also a large Monitor screen which provides the view of the player inside the Maze Dungeon.
The idea is as a whole, I want the the feeling before entering the space to be like ' Oh this is a simple building with simple form '
but after entering the space its going to be like ' Wow, Its different! ' by using these weird looking geometry created from its properties
to represent the Fantasy World or a different world in real life.
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This is the context plate showing the site and the perspective comparing the Nintendo HQ and the
Maze Dungeon as representing the Old and New.

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These are perspective drawings from upper left to bottom right,
LVL1, LVL2, LVL3, LVL4, Upper right corner seating, and the Maze exit
This is the Process Development plate which shows most of the process and the idea of
how to until it is right now.
These are some models created both from the first design and the final design also those study models.
And finally, Since this project, the building itself is the GAME, so, me working together with my younger brother
we successfully create this project in the game version (.exe) which might give you a better understanding on the
atmosphere or how the feeling within the MAZE DUNGEON is.
( Download "Maze_Dungeon" as a whole folder, then Click on Maze_Dugeon as an Application to play the game. )
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