

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Project 1.1: Chanarop Phothisit

Chanarop Phothisit (Ice)
Year 2 - Arch Dsgn 1
Project 1.1
Thomas Lozada

Brand Genetics


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WHAT: An American online fundraising platform that maintains a global crowdfunding platform focusing on creativity

WHO: Independent company based in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

WHERE: Website: kickstarter.com

WHY: company's stated mission is to "help bring creative projects to life"

HOW: Creators post their projects and ideas on the website, then backers can support by donate to projects they like


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Backers can donate to project they like based on each categories, such as art, music, etc. As an online platform, they can either donate by credit card or paypal.


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Backers that back projects will get rewards directly from the creator. The rewards will be in many levels, for example, pledging for $20 will only get a discount, but pledging for $200 will get one of the product.



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WHAT: A cloud based sports technology company

WHO: Company founded by Kfar Saba, in Israel

WHERE: Tennis or basketball court, etc

WHY: To bring advanced sports video and analytics technology to every court in the world

HOW: using technology with roots in the Israeli military, analyzes what happens in the court, using analytics technology


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To use Playsight, you need to sign up for Playsight, and go to the "SmartCourt" which will have the panel and the cameras to analyse
your statistics in the court without any wire attached


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The functions of the Playsight app included, video streaming 3d tactical review, overall stats and etc.



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WHAT: Digital service that provides guided meditation sessions and mindfulness training

WHO: Founded by Andy Puddicombe and Rich Pierson

WHERE: Smartphone apps

WHY: To improve health and happiness of stressed people

HOW: Online Meditation sessions and mindfulness training

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#headspace can leads up to #positivelife #mentalhealth #meditation and etc


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Headspace mindfulness training are available in sessions and are divided into different categories that people are struggled on. The content of some categories are overlapped and keep teaching the same method and skills.


Context x,y,z

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The plate contain the combination of the 2 company, Headspace and Playsight
Headspace = control the information, user could get overwhelmed
Playsight= let user know everything, sometimes too much information
Headspace + Playsight = information diet


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