

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Saipan Punnathorn Phuwichit : MATERIAL MEMES

Saipan Punnathorn Phuwichit
Project 1.2
Patxi Martin


Before introducing the next phase i had edited some of the first phase
information to make the concept itself stronger.

I chose to cut one brand out to show more connection between the
two brands so below is the existing brands i chose.

In order to embrace the nature of the pluripotent relevance the meme as a
design tool; materials, components and brand trajectories should be derived
from a combination of candidates’ source material in an effort to create
a nexus of complex relationships” related to brands and the materials that make them.

So on my second phase I start by defining a material that match perfectly with
the word "trust and reliability" and the plate below will show how i start to
define little by little the material and the architectonic components of that material.

Finding materials that can change form and state as i defined how trust increase by time
so to make it similar, the best match would be material that had to involve time to change form.
The plate below will show materials i experimented on and how I combined them together.
Creating new patterns and design using the material i chose to be interesting.

After making experimented on various substance and chemical I chose "resin" as
my final material of how they are the strongest but still doesn't use too much
amount of time to dry off. Combining it with sponge it shows the best out of resin,
Sponge is quite soft at the beginning but after the resin go through the sponge became
harder and can also stand by itself. Below I tried many experiments with resin for example,
dip it or even changing it form first before dipping it in to the resin.

After some experiments I thought of many ways to used it in architecture as
a architectonic elements but then end up with a partition to also represent
the safety of trust and reliability.Below is the atmospheric representation of
the space made with resin and sponge how they can transform into shapes
and forms from the model I made.

"Thank you"

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