

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Phase 2 : MATERIAL MEMES : Pasinee Kerdpongvanich (Mint)

Project 1 Phase 2

Pasinee Kerdpongvanich

Rebecca van Beeck

According to the first phase, In this phase I have to choose materials that link to the brands and develop them.
I have chose material for each brands by look into the context and component of the brands.

Wearable X
material : joint

According to the brand, most products of wearable X create vibration and transport to the user. 
The result of  the product is the human action such as a yoga posture. The main key that create the movement of the body is joint.
I started from joints of the human which they have their own characteristic and give a different result of movement and then I develop to create a model and observe from stuff  around us that can imitate the movements of the joints in the body and move to the architecture joints that we can find in our house.


From all of this, In the component I designed the wall that all connected by joint so they can adapt to create variety of patterns or to control the privacy of the room.


material : space


What Didi has provided for the passenger along with the transportation service is the space for the passenger. The diagram show the analysis of the space in side the taxi and compare with inside of the room. The result from the analysis is a different kind of overlaping space that have a different size and purpose inside.

material : DNA structure

The main heart of the brand is a personal algorithm of the brands that analyze personal and style of each people. I represent this through the shape of the DNA structure.
Lola is a center that link all preference of people together and use them to run their business like a spinning DNA.


In the context, I combined all the concept of materials together and created a city that all linked by a joint that install at the corner of the building. The joint is provided for moving both in horizontal and vertical. At every center of the joint provide a multipurpose space for the user and a pathway that they provide a support for both people and vehicle.

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