

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Select (Brand Genetics)

Boontita Boonsusakul
Aj. Pratana Klieopatinon

Analyzed identities of each brand using biological term. Describing the candidate brand to see the difference or relation to one another. Pulling the material from each brand and intergrated to a contemporary context. 3 brands that I chose are Ofo, City mapper, and The Void.


Ofo is  bike sharing Platform which you can use it and park it anywhere or anytime you want. It was starting by a  Chinese student who wants to solve the problem of losing there bike, lack of bike dock do to the huge number of bicycle in China. You can easily use the bike by download ofo application then follow the step and unlock  it by scanning a Qr code. After the ride,just push down the lock button and pay through the application. There is another compete company "Obike" that also have similar platform but both still have there pros and cons.

A smart lock process allow people easily to access Ofo bike. I work by an IOT (Low power technology) by Huawei and China telecom. You just have this one application and you allow to use it anywhere that have this bike sharing platform. Ofo is very cheap and it also calculate your calories, and routes after your ride. It also provide a full time service so you don't need to be worry while riding, just inform the problem through a maintenance feature. There is also a bike score record, it will give you a point after our ride but if you have been a bad rider be awre that your point will be deducted and you will not be able to ride it again.

City Mapper

City mapper is a mapping and plublic transit application. It shows you a different kind of transportation and bring you to a destination by the fastest routes. The company hace integrated there application to a smart bus. This bus will provide a high tehnology equipment that facilitate to people such as the phone charger od a screen that showing a routes, destination, and approximate arriving time. They mission is to improve and develop the bus to be a smart city in the future.

The application provide an easy feature which is "Take me work" Take me home"or "Take me somewhere". You can record your home or work address so there is no problem when you need to go to unfamiliar places just place the button and it will take to your home or work in fastest route. Also, with the take me somewhere feature. You can record your favorite routes that you think it is the best for you. City mapper is working with many other company which will allow them to give an accurate data to user and also facilitate people. For example, city mapper working with apple create an application for watch to make an easy accessibility for apple watch user.

The Void


The void is a Hyper-reality experience. It take a scene from Star war movie which will bring you to the movie experience. Player will come in a group of 4, wearing a computer costume that be provided and doing the mission in a VR space. The void has another scene from Goosebump movie. Each scene will  be provide in different city so you  can  check from the website first and also can buy a ticket there.
Vr space is layered by a speacial software. Player will see an anmation through a Vr glasses and they will feel a vibration from the haptic vest. Space will have the special effect like fan, mist machine or heat lamp so you not only see but you will also smell and feel.

Virtual city bike

The purpose is to promote the local traditional or cultural through the virtual bike experience. Combine the application of city mapper and Ofo together for finding a routes that people can access to the nearest Vr bike. Also adding the VR bike routes map to keep the rider on track. I choose Copen hagen city to be an example city. Copenhagen is a big bike friendly city with a 250 Miles of bike path. The city is dominated by bike, there is many facility for bike like bike traffic light, a clear seperate bike lane, or public transportation which allow the bike to get on. So with this platform people will be more exciting of exploring the city and promote the local traditional in interesting way.

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