Project 1 - Phase 3
' PROLIFERATE : Contemporary Business Futures '
' #Hermèsutorito '
Moving to the last phase of this semester which are about to wrap up all the previous ideas, informations and concepts to design the future enterprises of the candidates. Since I've working on two brands ; Hermès and Glossier in a material process, Now, I still keep working with these two by having Hermès as a main brand and taking some idea from Glossier to develop my design.
As Hermès farsight decision was to keeping craft alive that means they need to find a way that will make the brand exist nowadays. Not like the other brands that launching the new collection with the new unexpected design that the brand never made before or collaborate with the others brand to involve new fans to the brand, for example Louis Vuitton x Supreme, The method was to promote the idea of luxury, exclusive, rarity and timeless along with their high manmade quality and produce material so the person who buy Hermès were fascinated by its charm and quality, the one who buy because it was valuable and the one who buy because it named Hermès, it was exclusive, so some people have their mindset that wearing Hermès make they looking much better, exclusive bags for exclusive people.
However, the idea of being too exclusive may push some potential purchasing customer away from the brand as they will not feel familiar and comfortable with the brand , Different from the other brands in my candidates, Glossier using social network to promote their brand that was really effective to increase the fans as they will feel very close to the brand and familiar with the brand.
' Hermès '
Brand analysis plates and Materials
Brand analysis plates and Materials
' Glossier '
Brand analysis plates and materials
These come up the idea of #HERMESUTORITO the mixing of its name with Japanese word which sutorito means street so this is how Hermes comes and opens to the street. It was about to create the open catwalk in the middle of the city. In this case I choose Japan as my location because I found some similar between Hermès and Japan as they are both nationalism. They both have their strong culture and I also think that Japan has enough potential to promote Hermès and help keeping Hermès exist as it makes the highest growth sales in and it was one of the fashionable country where they had fashion weeks every year. Japan was also one of the social influences that were main driven the youth culture as well so I think it was really proper because they need this new generation to become their customer in the future because the existing will died someday. The unique style of Japan fashion was also relevant because it was really independent unlike the others. some fantacy styles also mimic to its window display as well.
After chosen Japan as the location, I keep looking to the more specific places, lastsly I got the junction at Harajuku as my location because this junction was the connection of Harajuku that mostly sold the street style brand and really popular for teenagers and Omotesando which the shop along these street were the high-end brandname store. Therefore, here are the connection where the street style meets with the high luxury brand. The catwalk was located at the corner of the street where it was open to the pedestrian that cross along the street from all directions.
The goal of this idea was to engaging the new and more customer to the brand which these open catwalk will help the clients to observe the product comfortable and free by just looking to the amount of models wearing hermes product and walk all along the whole catwalk so this is how they will see the real product not on the advertisement and less stress no embarrassing because they are looking the product from the street not in the store so no seller there these also makes people feel more familiar with the brand and open the chance for the fashion lovers to watch these fashion show that it was really really exclusive, I believe that these can increasing more fans to the brand also more of the new customers who having a purchasing power but feeling nervous to access the store or some who may immediately attract by the brand.
' Brand, Context and Site analysis '
' Fashion and Architecture '
For the design of the catwalk first I looking into the definition of what catwalk is
- 1.a platform extending into an auditorium, along which models walk to display clothes in fashion shows; a runway.
- 2.a narrow walkway or open bridge, especially in an industrial installation.
and also bring the idea of fashion to an architecture so I choose fabric as the main building materials because mostly cloth made from textiles and that textiles can be exaggerated the form of the building which also related to the material phases before which it has been used to defined the boundary of the space. Now the fabric still has the same function which I has design the structural catwalk having just the columns, floors, and stairs wearing a three layers of varieties sizes of the curtain that work as a partition and help changing the building look and function inside by just close or open the curtains. So, if you want to open the show to the pedestrian then open all the curtains or vice versa to having a private runway inside. The space and the curtains function are also allow you to have more than just one catwalk at the same time by close some part or open some part of the building. So now the structure can be compare to our body wearing the cloth that can change our look and provide the different function and also exaggerated and silhouettes the real body.
' Plan - Section - Elevation '
showing the layout of the building how the space connected together ; the catwalk and spectator seats, the catwalk to the backstage, also the catwalk to the catwalk.
' Exploded isometric '
defined each layers of the space and curtains and how it works.
' Atmospheric representation '
' Physical Model '

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