

Saturday, February 17, 2018


'Design' is a word that gets bandied about a lot at Airbnb, whether it’s applied to the food, the employee experience or space itself. ”The food is actually designed. We specifically choose our chef because he designs food we believe is appropriate. It’s locally sourced, aims for zero waste and is exceptionally nutritious.”

In this first phase of the second year, second semester, using brand and company as a study case. This starting point started with choosing three brands and extract each brand into three main idea, genes, memes, and norms as well as find the identity of it.

My chosen three brands are from different countries and from a different field. This strategy will bring me a variety of keywords and perspectives. My chosen brands are gogoro, king, and komatsu seiren.

'GOGORO' is Taiwanese brand selling electric scooters with service of Go station which is the battery changing infrastructure. The company concerned about the limited energy, so they came up with the electric instead of using petrol and this technique will also help develop environment.
"our society is at a tipping point. we need bold solutions and a mindset for change for the next generation. It's time to rethink how the growing cities of tomorrow distribute, manage and experience energy.

 'Faster', 'Cleaner' and 'Quicker' are the three main keywords that can describe this company. Faster in term of a new method of swapping instead of charging it. Cleaner with no carbon dioxide produced t the environment and quicker goes worldwide.

This video shows how the 'Go station' works. Apart from the scooters and this go station, gogoro also created a community inside the company by connecting customers together with the brand through the online application as well as high technology used within the product.

After searching information of the brand and understand their identity and objective, I chose to select one point of the brand to research more. Which in this brand I interested in 'ENERGY AND TRANSFERRING OF ENERGY' The main idea of this company is dealing with exchange energy from one source to another. As the theory said 
'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can only 
be transformed from one form to another'

In my analyses not only energy that generates from technology and product, but also the energy that creates the relationship of other factors. I started with the relationship of 

battery and go station
battery and scooter
scooter and customers
customer and customers
creating the community
community with an environment

Which at the end this brand gave me the keywords of energy, technology, speed, dynamic, continuity, movement, cycle and transfer.

"KING" is my second brand from the United Kingdom, This brand started with the problem of UK people in the last ten years spent their time stressing with work and news. The company wanted to entertain them by using the game as a device to fulfil their life. What is unique from the other companies is game that produced from King will not interrupt your day, as the game is not continuous it can be paused when every you want.

King is magical, you can play whenever you wanted, where ever you are and you can play on any devices. Moreover, the game is very easy and it is for all ages.

Candy crush is the most famous game from King which originated in 2012, now they published four versions of it with more special feature and more complex. 

The game is to match the cadies by swapping it, every time you crush the candy you will gain the point. Candy crush is not a normal game to play, you can play this game with other friends on facebook. 

Same as the first brand that I analyse the specific point, in this company I focused on the idea of 'challenge', with the question of why people keep playing this game.
The answer is the game is challenge and people want to win it. It is a competition not only with yourself but also with your friends.
In this plate, I preset the illustration of a graph that represents the level and difficulty that people will face when they play the game. Higher level with the higher mission and more challenge. I also find the interaction between the game and community which started from
player and a game
game and levels
players and players
players and community

Which at the end gave me the keywords of challenge, network, step, competition, continuity, time, entertainment and story.

"Komatsu seiren" a Japanese fabric manufacturer company that turned the state of technology to the product on its own delivers to the customer. They dealing with advanced, fresh, unique and impress fabric. The company also concerned about environment by promoting organic material and not producing pollution to the environment. 
Variety of location, weather and condition is the starting point of the company, they tired to produce a specific product to use in each specific point to provide comfort.

The company consisted of three parts, the first part is Komatsu seiren original, take care of fabric which one from fashion part and another is technology, they work together to produce special fabric for the customer. The second one is called GreenBiz, this part using the waste of the factory product for example waste from dyeing colour of fabric, and use that to create another organic material use for architecture. The last part is FABO, doing the project of architecture that can stand in the earthquake, by using technology.

For this brand what I interested is the idea of 'protection' and 'comfort' as all product that designed by Komatsu seiren is used to cover and provide comfort to the user. They dealing in many scales from small to big from people to architecture and environment

Keywords that I got from analyzing this company are protection, technology, cover, scale, condition, layers, environment, adaptation and comfortable.

Combining all brands together by using the keywords as the starting point, then connect them to find which keyword is the strongest one to represent each brand and also creating new keywords.

Firstly, I connect keywords between brands by finding the connection in situation, secondly, apart from connecting keywords and keywords, I connect keywords from one brand to another brand itself and creating new keywords which it provides me more opportunities to explore.

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