Chanarop Phothisit (Ice)
Year 2 - Arch Dsgn 1
Project 1.3
Thomas Lozada
Year 2 - Arch Dsgn 1
Project 1.3
Thomas Lozada
PROLIFERATE: Contemporary Business Futures
- digital service that provide guided meditation and mindulness training
- user listen sound session from app
- get user overwhelmed
-isolate user from environment
- make meditation easy to access
Products- website, mobile apps and sleep pod
Market- Health and Fitness
Consequence- people don't have to go meditate at church or temple
- sports video and analytics technology
- provide smartcourt and panels
-video replay, statistics and etc
- user go to smartcourt and login
-track user movement
-let user know everything
Products- tennis/basketball court, app and website
Market- Sports
Consequence: no more cheating in sports
New Brand- a combination of Playsight and Headspace
-media and health
-use media(medium) to track both physical and mental health
- to combine meditation and exercise (quiet and active spaces)
- using elevated active spaces to be a barrier for meditation space
Site- Expo Sepulveda Station, Los Angeles
Located at the same city of Headspace's headquarter and one of Playsight's Smartcourt
-the idea was to make it easy to access
surroundings- Expo Sepulveda light railway station, San Diego Freeway, Bike lane
Site Plan
Scale 1:150
use geography lines to create plan
Scale 1:150
-entrance, locker, multipurposes area on the first floor
-meditation area and ramps to the rooftop in the center
-threshold to active spaces by stairs at each corners
-active spaces started on 2nd floor and ends at 1st floor
Outer spaces(6m)- provide footwork related exercises such as squash, football and basketball
Inner spaces (3m)- provide specific footwork training
-ends at the meditation space
Scale 1:150
-Left Elevation is the highest to blocks sound from railway station
Scale 1:150
Perspective Views
View from inside the meditation space look up to the sky
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