

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Phase 3 Buncharin Eua-arporn


Buncharin Eua-arporn (Noopin)

Aj.Pratana Klieopatinon

The circulations mapping inside the Carnival Cruise illustrates both with and without a medallion experiences. The ones with Medallion are creating shortcut experiences.

From the previous phases, the two brands Carnival Corporation, the cruise service along with Citymapper, the application which provides the fastest routes for travel at real time, were developed as an extension of the Carnival Corporation brand and became 'Carnival in the City'.

Carnival in the city's main idea is focusing on create a shortcut experiencing in the city for both cruiser and locals which will not only accommodate the cruiser but also a great opportunity to promote the brand to the bigger market.

A market is considered to be a place with diversity. It is where different types of people gathering, observing new things and exchange ideas.

One side of  Binnenalster lake in Hamburg was chosen to be a site for a new Hamburg city's market where local food products from different parts of Hamburg are brought together in a same place.

From the material studies, the two brands have the same material in organizing flows and from the circulation mapping in both the cruise, the sponge experimentation and the Citymapper application it is clearly shown that circulations are normally curving, adaptable and asymmetrical therefore, the structures are inspired to be the curving structures and were categorized into four types according to function and space of each and to support the flows of people within the area.

All the four types came from a simple single box which had been designed with the positive and negative space between top and bottom corners creating different curves with different function within each structure.  For walking area where is supposed to be the market area is under shadow and the stop-by area are having openings to let the light and wind flows into the spaces.

    Type A 's structure is mainly support the market function where it needs lots of walking space.At the same time, type A has a center stop-by area for people to chitchatting and enjoying their bought products from the market.
    Type B has a diagonal walking area and stop-by area at the two corners. 
    Type C is similar to type B but has more walking area with one corner stop-by area.
    Type D is the most opened type to support the stop-by area.

The arrangement of the structures are according to the site. The structures are all placed on the added platforms which transform the steps space into a flat space. The area are divided into 3 main areas; from the left where is the closest area to both underground and pier is designed to mostly market area to welcome lots of people come through, the center area is the mixed area between market and stop-by area and the right area is mostly stop-by area for people to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. Each area is divided by the steps way which leads to the lake. 

The flows within the area is showing the ways people move and is resemble the sponge's solid and void spaces from the previous phase.

This site plate shows the dimension of the site and the circulation around the site area.

The plan, sections and elevations are clearly show the solid and void areas.

As this market place is initially designed for cruiser to have a shortcut experience of the stop-by city within the limited time. Therefore to support the connection of people(the cruiser and the locals) and  the lake atmosphere as much as possible some of the structures are translucent.

The axonometric drawing illustrates the connection from the street into the structures and to the lake.

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