

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Phase 2 : Evolve : Material memes

This phase is require students to combine at least two candidates from the selected brand from last phase to create material which related to the candidates.

1. Thermochormic pigment


To compare "Thermochromic pigment" to human life is the technologies which have revolution follow human activities by the color of the powder which changed by human body temperature from dark to white. 


As the identity of the powder, the way to use them is to apply them with anythings which liquid due to the fact that we have to mix them to the other material to us them. Therefore, they can apply to the plaster, resin, leather, fiber, etc. Moreover, from the experiments that I selected the plaster because it can shape to any shapes if we have the mould of them. 

From this experiment, it connect to my old context which the technologies has develop all the time as human want their life be better. 

2. Motion sensor


This sensor can use when it have human or some thing pass them. As my experiment I adapt the sensor with the light, when it collect the movement around them. It have the same idea as the thermochronic pigment which follow the human reaction to technologies. 


As the experiment of sensor and light is related to the production of Netflix and Kodak because these two candidates have to use light to produce their products as the photograph, movies, etc. It same as the people have to use the light to do everything they want.


The context of those two component that they can apply to be the components which can apply to architecture as walls and floors. Therefore, if we talk about the new businesses from those materials and components it will be like the business of the effect from the environments and human.

To conclusion, since human started to have technology in their lives, they used them in human daily life. Therefore, everything in human life are following them because when they want their lives more comfortable than present and human is following the environment too.

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