

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Vich Vichyastit - Project 1.1

Project 1.1 : Brand Genetic

Vich Vichyastit

Aj. Thomas Lozada

Brand Analysis

In this phase we are required to extract and state the gene, norm, and memes of the given/chosen companies.
Sonnen batteries, Provenance, TED are the companies I get to work with through the phase. 


A platform use to track/trace the origins of your goods. By using the help of blockchain with is a intelligent 
storage system used for storing secured information and transactions. For example, you want to purchase
some fresh fish at the market this platform allows you to check where your fish is from, date, people involved
and  approval. 


A German Battery company which stores your energy intelligently from your independent power generator. 
This intelligent storage software in its battery will learn your daily habits in the household and use the energy
produced in the most efficient way. Sonnen community allow members to share their energy together which
the surplus energy produced in each house will be stored in the energy pool which will be sent and used in
houses that has weather conditions or lack of energy at the moment. This platform also allow decentralisation
meaning the transactions will not be involved with central authority.


Ted is a non-profit organisation for people to spread and share ideas. It stared from talking about topics about design, science and
entertainment but today the topics are about everything from global issues to psychology. Ted allows a group of people
to volunteer to come and organise a conference which will require the audience, the speaker, staffs, sponsors and the venue space.


The last plate is the combination between the three companies. It is a platform that matches people that has the same interest
but with different ideas and resources to come together and develop the idea to the next level. Using the decentralised idea to match 
the people in need from Sonnen. The storage idea of provenance and spreading ideas from Ted will result in a natural synchronisation 
of the three companies.

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