Project 1 - Phase 1
' Brand Genetics '
' Hermès - Glossier - AMsilk '
For the first phase of the second semester, we were assigned to use brand and company as a study case, starting from choosing three brands from the given lists. For me, I chose Hermès , Glossier and AMsilk to analyse and find out its identities, characteristics and the brand's main objective.
' Hermès '

Hermès is one of the world's most luxurious high-end fashion brand founded by Thierry Hermès in 1837. At first, Hermès was just a harness shop, the product was all about the horse-riding equipments by using a high-quality materials and a high-quality craftsmanship so Hermès became famous and successful.
Hermès's farsight decision was to keeping craft alive so they recognised that craft can only survived if it finds a natural application and market. Therefore Hermès keeps find new applications and new idea all the times as they realised that if they were still making harness, Hermès would not exist anymore. This is why Hermès has come a lot of new product lines for example bags, accessories, housewares and etc.
Hermès also doing some marketing even they said they don't do marketing as they were confident in their brand quality but they still need attention from the customer so Hermès launching the online pop-up e-stores also their iconic fantasies window display that attract to the customers.
' Glossier '
Glossier was a cosmetics and skin-care brand born completely from a social network. One of the reasons that makes the brand becomes success was the brand's founder, Emily Weiss. She has been working with vogue and then open her own beauty blog advice and suggest useful and varieties beauty tips for her followers so Emily Weiss becomes really popular and has a lot of fan club.
From her reputation, Emily Weiss started her own brand, Glossier which the brand's main aim were focused about the beauty from the true skin so at the start Glossier was launching only the skin-care and lip-balm that make your skin looks dewy and fresh. Glossier's marketing was like two ways communication between customers and product teams as they use the Instagram as a social media to involve customer to the brand. By using Instagram, Glossier can get the feedbacks from comments and likes also no their target market as the followers provided market research. Glossier was really success in using a social media to promote their brand as the followers grow very fast in two years. The brand also take other advantages from social network by launching the unfinalized product on the Instagram with the testers to get the feedbacks from users so Glossier products were creating based on comments from customers.
The finalized product were coming in a minimal packaging contrast with the playful stickers and pink plastic bubble wrap pouch cute for photograph that come with the products that really attract girls.
' AMsilk '
AMsilk was a company produces and distributes increasing volumes of High-quality synthetic silk biopolymer that can be use in textile products, medical devices and cosmetics. The goals was to create a organic high-performance material to give a unique features to the product to taking product to the next level( because it use a advanced material).
Biosteel fiber was a first producer of nature based spidersilk fibers in a continuous spinning process from AMsilk. Claim theirselves as they are extremely tough, extremely light weight, extremely skin-friendly and truly-sustainable( 100% and allow for recycle). Produces by identifies the spider genes and process the natural silk proteins.
For the last requirement of this phase, I am thinking about the idea of bringing fantasy to life of Hermès with the sustainable properties of AMsilk so I am thinking if somehow in the future they could have a 100% vegan bag that can take some part of the bag to plant and that plant will has the same color as the bag so at last the world will be cover by plenty of colorful plants and this how fantasy become true in real life.
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