

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Patr Vacharanukulkiet (P), Phase 1

SELECT: Brand Genetics

At the beginning of this phase, students were given a pool of  brands to study, 
research, and define the brand GENE, NORM, and MEMES.

Represent the three selected brand identities and materials in the form of an info-graphic 
diagram that show critical content such as logos, products, advertisements, correspondence,
interview questions, algorithms, press statements, ingredients, techniques,
protocols, curations, color palettes, operations, look & feel, experiments,
failures, tweets, business cards, or decision making logics.


Link to full resolution                      Link to full resolution

DJI is a Chinese company who established themselves as the world's no.1 
drone producer and also famous for other technologies for capturing images and 
videos with the slogan of 'The future of possible' , the company is looking forward in 
producing technology for the new generation for multiple purposes for both professionals 
and consumers such as us. The drone they produce brings the new visions that were once
out of reach. Their innovation and technology is superior than any other drone producers
with high resolution, quality, stability, durability, community and platform of both 
company and their product


Link to full resolution                       Link to full resolution

JENAX, the Korean brand who were famous for producing stainless steel fabric but now
taken an interest in developing and producing the flexible battery which is safe to wear, 
rechargeable, and eco-friendly.The company has a vision to become the world leading 
company in supplying the supercharged energy for everyday uses through different 
application of their product to other product to create the design for the future. This is 
possible because of the flexible quality of the material, hence encourage the designer to 
design new stuff without bordering about the shape, size, and rigidity of the battery.


 Link to full resolution                        Link to full resolution

MAIANS is the Spanish shoe brand who produce 100% handmade shoe every pair is 
made in Spain form the very local materials (cotton & rubber) that could be found in Spain.
Though the brand was founded in 2008, they sell the shoe of a very old fashion and style using 
very simple material that provide comfort and look casual and elegance at the same time.
The Barceloneta style, the colour, the method of shoe making, the heritage, the story, 
the identity and the flexibility & design of the shoe are the aspects that make it possible
for such old fashion shoe to be worn in the present.


Here i listed out the distinct identity of each brand and start to establish the relationship
between them using a timeline as DJI & JENAX has a vision of going forward and deal 
withnew innovations that are use at the present and in the future, whereas Maians's vision
 is looking back into the past bringing the ideas and story to the present. 
Each brand also has their own way in defining the term Flexibility in term of  different 
usage for different purposes of the product, application of the material or product to 
produce possibilities, and the flexibility of the material itself.
Trust of each company also varies depending upon time DJI gain trust after a period of 
time after they have prove themselves, JENAX trust would be gain in the future as their 
product is not well known at the moment, and Maians trust is gain through their stories, 
history, and method from the past that brings from the past. Each brand also produces 
wearable product safe to wear technology which is flexible and have identity.

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